April 1, 2008


I know, I know....I get so annoyed with other people who don't blog daily and I keep checking and checking and now...I'm that other people!! :-) Well...where to start, lots going on around here. First I'll start by attaching the Marshall Democrat News website, www.marshallnews.com you can go there and see the tree that fell on the house yesterday!!! You have to click on the story about the clean up, our house is the bottom house. If you click on it the picture gets bigger. I love the big trees around here but I'm beginning to think the big trees aren't so fond of us!! Some of you might remember we just had this happen in August 2007, that one got struck by lightning and didn't hurt anything, just killed the ugly bushes that we needed to take out anyway!! Well....this time, it got us :( I came home to let the dog in because they said the weather was getting bad. (I work in the basement of a basement and NEVER see daylight so I had NO clue!!!) I let Diezel in and went to the front room and there was a HUGE tree leaning against my living room windows!! So....I went to the front door and it was the other tree this time!! It's the tops of the trees but I bet these trees are 50 years old, they are very large and TALL (and awesome in the fall....or so I thought!!) Anyway...I called Andy and he came home to assess the damage!! We have about 6 large holes in the siding, two holes in the roof (one is over the screened porch), the gutters are completely off on that side, and there is some damage to the molding on the corner of the house!! LOTS OF FUN let me tell you!!! The holes in the roof are not leaking in the house, they go to the attic but it has to be repaired or it will damage the ceiling. Andy patched it outside and we should be good to go until we find our deductible hiding under the next tree that falls!! :( Oh well...no one got hurt and I'm thinking that's the most important thing...right?
Well...the oven is dinging and this girl don't miss a meal so I gotta go!! Lasagna smells so tasty!! Hope everyone has a great night!! I promise to post tomorrow night I have LOTS more to talk about!! Ta-Ta!!

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