May 22, 2008

Another day in the life....ahhhhh.......

Ok, so I was just in changing the laundry and remembered that I had to blog tonight!! I couldn't think of anything to say and in walks Andy and Adilynn. He said, "have you heard her screaming in there?" I said, "No, why?" He said that Adi was diggin in her nose and he asked her if she had a bugger. She did not answer so he got a Kleenex and told her to blow. Nothing came out so he told her to look up and let him see what was going on. Then my 3 year old daughter says, "Can you see my silly putty in there? Huh??" He said that it was blocked with something large and PINK!!! He had to go get the tweezers and do some minor surgery!!! It was a pretty large slice of silly putty that she apparently stuck in her nose!! It was probably about the size of a nickel!! What in the world??? Talk about some funny stuff!! She was really really upset and said she would not do it again!!! OH MY GOODNESS!! Never a dull moment around here!!! :-)
One more quick story....Andy took Sadie and Pete out to do their business after they had dinner. (Sadie has been going out on her leash since she decided to skip town the other night!!!) Anyway...she was on the porch and Andy decided to sit down and hold her and try to make her like him, again. So I'm inside watchin Oprah and he hollers at me to come outside for a minute. I went out and this is seriously what he said to me...."So, I was holding Sadie and petting her and not kidding she crapped on me!!!!" OH MY GOSH!!! Talk about dying laughing!! She had left him about 7 little droppings right there in his lap!!!! He did not think it was funny at all and I was about to puke!! Holy's been a pretty eventful evening!!!
Just thought I would share. Happy sleeping!!'s 11:09PM!!! I'm sleepy!!
Nighty night!!

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